Hi there! exams are coming, are you ready to face them? Perhaps, these study strategies will be useful for you. Have a look to these more effective ways of studying:
Look for links:
'Everything is connected' a teacher at the prof used to say. And she was dead right. Look for links between different subjects. Look also for links between what you are studying and the wider world. This helps develop understanding and memory.
Work with others:
Share ideas and clarify your notes with others. It makes studying more interesting and you gain different points of view.
Use the word limit:
As students of English we know very well about assigments that have a word limit. Take advantage of that and be very concise about the topic to be studied.
Have a break:
Whaaat? Yes, don't try to study without breaks. Otherwise, you will lose concentration. Take regular short breaks (15-20 minutes) and longer breaks when you need them.
Quiz yourself:
Use the same test strategy that will be used for the course. Go through your notes and make your own test. (This helps review your notes at the same time)
Use personal examples:
You are more likely to remember things if they are related to yourself.
Take care of yourself:
This include sleeping well, eating healthy, exercising, taking breaks, spending time with loved ones.
I hope this helps you. Go and get a 10 ;)
Very interesting! Keep sharing!